Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday Inspirations

Welcome back to a Monday Inspirations post--where I list some of the things I read this week from blogs I follow that I found particularly inspirational, interesting, or just funny.

The perfect diet is summed up in seven powerful words: "Eat Food, Not Too Much, Mostly Plants" from Maura's Toolbox.

Also inspirational, Maura’s great Right Column—Don’t Go Hungry Questions:

  1. Am I hungry?
  2. How will this food feel as I eat it?
  3. How will this food feel right after I've finished eating it?
  4. How will this food feel 1 hour after I eat it?
  5. How will this food feel 2 to 3 hours after I eat it?

And finally, check out her way of listing Daily Successes. Pointing out the positive always works for me!

And from always-thought-provoking
MizFit, the introduction of her theme for the year—personal responsibility (PR)—how our destiny—the outcome of our entire lives is in our own hands. She has a list of questions worth checking out, but the one that has provided me the most food for thought initially is: How easy is it & how often do you blame others for causing you to be where you are today? My big one here is blaming my job hours and job in general for not moving forward with my goal, when I know I could take a bit more PR for this—like getting my a** out of bed earlier as well as probably some other things. Will likely post on this later. . .

And, if you aren't already familiar with her, I want to introduce you to Maria over at Gardening with Turtles, one of my new favorite blogs to be on. Check out these great stories--Maria knows how to pack in the tales--there are 4 of them in one good, trailing post, called The Coontina/Catina--what she seems to be dubbing her porch at least for now. She starts with a slow-to-learn cat (Eli), then moves to another story about a cat--this one named Spawna Satan (now tell me you aren't intrigued?), going on to the story of sweet lawn guy who in my opinion deserves to be loaned money if for no other reason than being a good storyteller himself, and ending with a great tale of transvestites. What more could you ask for?

And, last but not least. . . my favorite single line of the week, from the post This-n-That Thursday by Mental P Mama:

Wait for it. . . .

"If you take a picture of cheese, what does it say?"

Obviously, some other clever folk have considered this oh-so-Zen-question before, as I found this new t-shirt design on flickr.


  1. Wow - thanks for dropping by my blog and then giving it so much 'press.'


  2. I love the idea of writing about daily successes.

  3. Hey you! Thanks for the awfully nice comments about my silly blog. I wasn't expecting that when I came to your site. What a nice surprise! :-)

    Okay, this weight thing. Yeah, I live that life too. I know the only way to get motivated is to find something new, or SOMEONE new to get you all excited again to view everything as fresh and new. Dump all those past people and start fresh somewhere else. Can't you find a different Weight Watchers to go to? If the person leading it is not doing anything for you or even remembering you, move on. It makes such a difference when you have someone who is actually happy to see you and cares about your results each week.


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