Thursday, May 14, 2009

Woo Hoo! I Got an Award!

My first ever blog award from Kelly/September Mom at My Voice, My View.

I'm supposed to pick 15 others to get the award. Here they are:

1. Gigi at She's been a great support to me and I want to give her a pretty thank you note.

2. Jack at because I want to add a little yin to the yang award on his site now (and I think he's macho enough to handle the frills)

3. Souporsoprano at C'est La Vie because she's a bella

4. Lynn at Hungry Little Catepillar--where ya been, Lynn?

5. Lynn at because she is my hero.

6. Maria at Gardening with Turtles because her photos and her artwork and her stories are all simply beautiful

7. Mountain Woman at Red Pine Mountain--another site with beautiful photos and sentiments

8. SiSi at My Craft Thingies she's just starting out and has some cute step by step crafts

9. My new friend at because she has a beautiful heart

10. Maria Rose at Little Things Are Big because she sees the beautiful side of everything

11. The mom to be at Hot Belly Mama another woman with rose colored glasses

12. Brenda at Rinkly Rimes a delightful site


  1. I'm #3! YAY! And thanks for adding CraftThingies, too! She's starting to make origami earrings now! Have you seen them?

  2. Woot, my first award, thank you:) I am very honored ^_^

  3. Awww...that's the sweetest thing ever! Thank you! I heart you bunches, too :)

  4. Oh thank you SO much! That really makes my day! The good thing about blogging is that we're all here for each other, no matter what. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll get to where you want to be. Have a great weekend and thanks again!

  5. I'm not sure my yin wanted any yang, but I appreciate the thought (and the music...I love me some Stones).

  6. Congrats again! I love your blog:) I can't wait to check out all these new blogs!!

  7. Congratulations on your award and thank you so much for passing it on to me!!!

  8. Wonderful! I am so excited. Thank you very much. You've made my day!!!!

  9. Awww, you're so sweet! Thank you so much for the award. It made me smile!

  10. Aw, 45. Thank you so much for thinking of me. And congratulations to you too!!!! :-)


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