Sunday, October 26, 2008

Coming in for a Landing

I am done circling. I have seen the orange beacons guiding me to land. Hallelujah! I made several decisions in the last few days.

First, I've decided to use Weight Watchers points as my tracking guide instead of counting calories, which I had been giving thought to. I didn't really found any good calorie counter (I wanted a widget like my fitlink widget.). The food tracking guides I've found--Sparkpeople, Calorie Balance Diet,, and Nutrition Day--seem to have some good elements and I may give pieces of them more of an in-depth look and trial run, but ultimately, thinking about using them felt like work. Plus, I took a quiz on one of them about calories and realized I don't have a lot of stored calorie info in my head. But I do have lots of Points info in my head, so why not make it simple and go with what I know.

I did download Nutrition Data's widget--see it on the right toward the top. You get some interesting data about how well a food will sate you--keep you feeling full.

Next, I've decided to try using lists on this site in a sidebar to post my planned menu for the week. (I have a nice post it note Weekly calendar that I use for this on my fridge.) The menus are typically the big pic--not the detail.

So for the detail, I've decided to use this spiral bound index card notebook I got. This is where I will track my daily points and the details of what I eat. I chose the index card notebook because it will work well with a recipe box I used to use. In it, I have sections based on points for meals--like 5 point breakfasts and lunches. This way I can pull existing menus into my notebook or tear out a good menu to file in my box.

Back to counting points. I want to give myself a daily points range, which was the way the plan was set up when I had my success, not have a single point value and 35 extra points. I think I did better and was less likely to overdo on a day when I had a range and set a goal of a daily average of points.

I also plan to focus on whole foods, not processed or packaged ones. Though I do have several frozen entrees in my fridge. . .and I bought a couple of 100 calorie packs. . .but I want those to be the exception not the rule.

These are decisions I've been waffling on for a while, so I feel good about being more directed.

I also made a promise to PhD to push myself more physically. My commitment was to climb the 2 flights of stairs in my house sequentially 3 times a day. I need to build my endurance because all my Christmas decorations are in the attic so I need to be able to make the trip multiple times without keeling over! Last year we had Thanksgiving dinner at our house, so I had my nephew & his wife, and my niece and brother-in-law haul stuff down for me in multiple trips. This year we're going to my sister's . . .

I have to tell you I abhore stair climbing. Hubby's been good--dreaming up things he'd like for me to get for him--or bring to him--from his 3rd story office. Somehow this makes me feel less self conscious about huffing and puffing in front of him--it's like we're both in on a secret. I know it will get easier.


  1. If I can be an editor for just a moment, though I love the image of being done circling and coming in for a landing, it sounds like you've actually taken off. Looking forward to reading the details of the flight. Nice going.

  2. The stair climbing 'secret' with your husband made me laugh. I am counting points as well and decided to try and focus on whole foods as well. It will take time, but that's what I'd like to do.

  3. I'm really proud of you. I've heard that Weight Watchers is one of the best ways to go about it, too. I admire your drive. :)


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